At my place of employment, a group of us make vegetarian dishes for each other on Mondays as part of an attempt to be more healthy and nicer to the environment. It's a really good deal because I just cook one dish a month and all of the rest of the Mondays I get a free, home-cooked meal. I definitely recommend you try this idea at your workplace. You can find out more about the Meatless Monday movement here.
Today I made a spinach and feta bread pudding that was really, really yummy. Doesn't it look delicious! Despite the whole milk, heavy cream and egg yolks, I'd say it was pretty healthy because it had spinach in it We also enjoyed lentil/pasta soup, vegan chocolate cake and whole wheat sugar cookies. Not a bad Monday despite the stupid daylight savings thing.
Recessionista alert!!! Bliss Spa is offering their Triple Oxyen Facial Treatment, which is one of their most popular services, for $135 (normally $160) for two weeks only. I don't live anywhere near a Bliss Spa. But hopefully you do and can take advantage of this special offer.
Daily Randomness: I finally saw Definitely, Maybe this weekend. Very cute!
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