I love to think about traveling. I like to think I'm a good packer, and I can spend a lot of time thinking about what I'm going to pack and what I need to buy for a trip and how organized I'm going to be. But the truth is I often wait until the last minute to do the actual packing, and I don't really do such a great job after all.
Also I have the "rule of one" when I travel. This means that I will always forget one important thing. No matter how much planning and expert packing, I must forget one thing that will cause me annoyance throughout the trip.
With all of that in mind, I am starting to think about traveling at Thanksgiving. We always go see my mother-in-law. It will be a quick trip and we will fly. Oh, and this is very important, I have two sons. They are 3 and 6. So I am always struggling to find something cute to wear while traveling that is also practical and comfortable. You can check out Star's Airport Style for ideas about what I probably won't be wearing.
So what should I wear? I generally try to steer clear of the tunic and leggings look, but I'm wondering if this would be just the occasion for leggings. I know, Tim Gunn would say no.
I've also been dying to buy these jean-styled yoga pants. Could I get away with these at the airport? (Sorry, Tim. Please don't have a heart attack).
Or should I just tough it out and wear a pair of jeans? I guess they aren't that uncomfortable.
Any suggestions?
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